Pregnancy #2: 38 weeks

Well, this will be the final post for this pregnancy! In eight days we will have a teeny, tiny person rock our world once again.

I had a doctor’s appointment today. The very last one, just a regular checkup. I am not dilated (praise Jesus!) but my cervix is soft, so at least my body is preparing. The doctor pushed around my stomach to feel where the baby was and she asked where I’d been feeling kicks. I told her there were some jabs up by my right ribs, but I did feel some shooting pains in my lady parts from time to time.

She decided to check the baby’s position on a little ultrasound. Yep, turns out our little guy is breech. And that lump that is up by my ribs that is making me unable to tie my shoes or do any sort of bending is the little guy’s head. Of course something strange would happen with this pregnancy.

The doctor said it doesn’t matter, since I am already having a c-section, that she just wants to be prepared. But in this weird, strange way I am happy to have another good, legit reason to be having a cesarian. That now it is not just the guidelines telling me I cannot birth my baby naturally. Now the risk is so much higher. Having a c-section is the best thing now. My mind is even more at peace now.

38 wks 1

Oh yes, and I chopped my hair off.

38 wks 3

38 wks 2

 38 wks 4

How far along: 38 weeks

Total weight gain: 33 pounds! Whoo hoo! Despite my best efforts of gaining a bazillion pounds by eating countless chocolate chip cookies and Oreos, I am very happy with the weight gain.

Maternity clothes: Tank tops and yoga pants. And zip-up hoodies that do not zip up (or split the zipper).

Sleep: Absolutely cannot complain. I’ve been taking a bath at night and drinking a cup of hot chocolate to settle in in the evening. I usually have to go to the bathroom once, but have been great at curling my legs up and ignoring that calling 🙂

Best moment this week: I’d have to say last night. Jack was in bed, supper was ate, Forrest Gump was on. I was uncomfortable on my couch, so I moved to Scott’s. Then was still uncomfortable sitting up, so I made a little nook behind his legs with a big fluffy pillow and we laid together. It seems so trivial, but we haven’t just sat quietly together in a while. (Mostly because I am a sweaty monster who does not want to be touched.)
Otherwise, I’d have to say this morning. Jack kept hugging and kissing my belly (he’s really going to miss this thing) and then said “baby” every time I asked him to repeat some word.

What I miss: I’m good, for the most part. I miss normal clothes. But I’m pretty sure I’m going to miss this belly.

Movement: All the time. Big swooshes and little pokes and prods. And some pretty good jabs to the lady parts.

Food cravings: Nothing. Unless you count my addiction to hot chocolate lately.

Making me queasy: Just been a bit sick feeling in the mornings.

Starting to show: 

Gender: Boy!

Happy or moody: Happy for the most part, but can get strung out very easily the past few weeks.

Things I’ve been experiencing this lately: Not much energy at all. Very tired. Thinking about going to the grocery store makes me exhausted. When I bend over to get toilet paper (I have now learned) I am squishing my baby’s head.

What I’m looking forward to: My baby!!!

What I’m nervous for: Oh, lots of things. Mainly I just want to be more calm and collected this time around. Bringing Jack home was hard. I didn’t have that instant incredibly tight bond with him. And I don’t want that to happen again. In a way, I think it will be a little easier because I have grown accustomed to a little munchkin hanging on me 24/7 and I’ve come to love and enjoy it. And the list goes on…  and I will conquer it and fall on my knees at times and cry and laugh and be unshowered and take so much pride in my boys. All in time.

Size of baby: A giant gorilla. Or so it seems.