e tells tales

a lady's stories of a life as a wife and mama about her handsome husband and beautiful baby

Month: November, 2013

One month of James

James 1 month

James Michael Kingston
November 15, 2013

Yesterday you, my little man, were one whole month old. 

Your birth seems so long ago and it’s hard to think of my days without you now. I cannot tell you how much you boys and your dad light up my life. I am in my bliss. I have never loved a season of life as much as I do right now. I do not deserve any of you and I will forever praise God for each and every day that I get to be with you guys.

So, it has been a month. A whole month that seems like it has been a whole year or decade. In a great and wonderful way. You are this great baby. If you are not sleeping, you’re in my arms or laying on the floor acting as the road for Jack’s trucks and cars.

1 week

One week


You are roughly 10 pounds. You were 8 lbs 4 ounces when you were born and 7 lbs 8 ounces when we took you home. At your two week checkup you had almost gained your birthweight and were 8 lbs 2.5 ounces. At your three week appointment you were 9 lbs 9 ounces.

2 weeks

Two weeks

Diapers and clothes:

I have graduated you onto size one diapers. Newborns fit a tad snug and ones are a bit big. I have also switched most of your clothes to 0-3 months. You swim in some of them, but you stretch newborns to the max. I have started buying a few Christmas pieces for you boys and I very much enjoy it 🙂 You are both going to have matching ugly sweaters and you’re going to look adorable.
IMG_42542.5 weeks

This month’s firsts:

Well, everything obviously. But you took a bottle of breast milk while your dad and I were out deer hunting. Aunty Lindsay gave it to you and said you took it easily. Yesterday I gave in and gave you two ounces of formula because you seemed to be starving after you had sucked me dry. That won’t be happening often.

Your first outing was to Albertsons for groceries with your dad, brother and I. It was a tad hectic. I then took both of you boys to Walmart by myself and it went so smoothly! I was very proud of myself. You sleep the whole time.

Your first trip was to Gackle to the farm on deer opening weekend.

You puked A LOT straight down my shirt tonight. Good aim, kiddo.

This past week you have been holding your head really well.

You got your first battle wound in the battle of the brothers – Jack whipped a truck straight at your head. You only cried for a short time and brother bear got a time out and his truck taken away.


A lot of dark brown hair. A tad curly on top.

You don’t sleep very well at night, but it doesn’t bother me. You’re up every 2-3 hours, eat a little and fall right back asleep. You and I have been sleeping in your room in the recliner, it’s just easier. Most of the night you sleep on me because I fall asleep before you’re done eating. I really enjoy our nights, even though there isn’t as much sleep as I would like. I know this part won’t last very long.

3 weeks

Three weeks

Your dad gave you your nickname when you were about two weeks old. We now call you “Jammer” more than your actual name. I call you “Rammer Jam” a lot, along with various other dorky rhyming names.

4 weeks

Four weeks. Taking a snooze on his tummy.

It’s been a really great month.

Kingston Family Update

It’s been three weeks of this new normal. Three weeks of a familiar chaos that has been less chaotic than anticipated.

Brutally honest, I was a bit scared. I’ve said it a million times, but bringing Jack home was a difficult transition for me. And I half expected this time around to be the same.

But with an extremely thankful heart, we have all welcomed this newness in a beautiful stride.

James Michael joined our family in an early morning on Oct. 15. He came via c-section with nice loud screams flowing from his lungs. Few things in my life have been more emotional than hearing the healthy cries of my babies the second they joined our world and seeing the look on my husband’s face as he squeezes my hand.

Surgery was  pretty routine. The spinal shot was the worst part, with me vomiting in my hair while strapped to the surgical table in close second (from the drugs). I’ll write his birth story the next time I get a quiet moment.

From the beginning he was mine. I was already a mother. Jack had trained me in. I had been preparing my heart as well as I could. Motherhood was oozing out of me this time around and I was able to welcome James into my heart readily.

He was a pro at nursing from the get go. I was the amateur. We are still figuring out how to not be awkward while nursing, but I know it will come in time.

Jack was pretty fascinated with his little brother from the start. He is always very concerned when James cries and wants to hold him frequently. Jack tickles the baby’s little toes and shows me his hair and eyes and nose and fingers. Since bringing James home, he has been the source of most of Jack’s kisses and hugs. Mom and dad are old news.

Jack did seem to be mad at me while I was in the hospital. He wasn’t allowed on my bed or really near me at all because he’s a rambunctious toddler and I was pretty fragile at that point. He clung to my mom and to Scott. Normally that would have heart my little mother heart but through all of this God has given me a calm and relaxed state of mind. I knew he would get over it eventually. He had to. I’m his mama and thats that.

It took a few days for Jack to understand that I wasn’t going to carry him whenever he wanted anymore. He now had to hold my hand if he wanted me to go to the kitchen with him. He had to walk up the stairs by himself. But while growing independent in a quick fashion, he clung to me the second I wasn’t holding or nursing James. He has become much more cuddly during nap time and bed time. Overall, the change for Jack wasn’t drastic. But nonetheless, he has done so incredibly well. He is helpful and throws the diapers in the garbage for me. He pushes his chair in at the table, takes his cups into the kitchen when he’s done, brings James his nook. I’m just so proud of him.

Scott has really stepped up helping me. I think he expected me to be a little more bat crazy than I am 🙂 He remembers last time, too. Jack is at a really fun stage for Scott right now. They can interact and play more. In the past month, Scott has said, “I love you, son” hundreds of times. I am thankful for him and his willingness to humble himself as a big strong man to tell this little boy that he is loved. That is going to leave Jack with unremovable impression for his whole life that will trickle down onto every person he loves in the future.

As for me, I’m in my bliss. I’ve never been more comfortable with my role as a wife or as a mother than I am right now. I will forever learn and shift in these roles and I still only know about 10% of what I’m doing raising babies, but I’m perfectly ok where I am.

I cannot fully express my thankfulness for my demeanor. For the calmness I feel, for the peace of mind I have. For the ease of adjusting to middle of the night feedings and early mornings. This is not of me. If I were doing this on my own, I’d be a wreck. I praise God for his steadfast hand on me. I feel it every day. I am surprised many times a day at how well our home life is going. And I am in no way bragging. Or saying this to make anyone feel bad. I am simply giving thanks where thanks is due. Thank You, Jesus. “But He gives more grace.” James 4:6

So this is just the tip of what has been going on with us. I have 3 weeks of James to write about as well as Jack’s 18 month update. Yes, I’m behind. But I’ll get there. I’m only writing now because James and I have stolen away while grandma Judy give all her attention to Jack at home 🙂

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e tells tales

a lady's stories of a life as a wife and mama about her handsome husband and beautiful baby

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