e tells tales

a lady's stories of a life as a wife and mama about her handsome husband and beautiful baby

Month: April, 2013

Pregnancy #2: 15 weeks


Week 15 of pregnancy no. two. All photos by Elizabeth Street Photography.

How far along: 15 weeks

Jack is: 12 months old! Just turned one April 18. My babies will be one and a half years apart.

Total weight gain: Around three pounds. I’m keeping a looser track on my weight this time. No need to fret about things like that during this time.

Maternity clothes: Yes please. Just pants though. I whipped them out pretty early. They might stay around longer too 🙂

Sleep: Good. And I’m savoring these nights very much. Especially while Jack sleeps pretty well. Scott and I are old people and go to bed pretty early.

Best moment this week: Jack and I took the train from Williston to Fargo for the weekend. We met Scott’s mom and she took Jack to a hotel for a few nights while I hung out with my sister and mama 🙂

What I miss: I’m pretty darn content right now. I’m just tired. But I have been for the past 12 months of my life.

Movement: I swear I felt movement from about 12 weeks. But I’m probably lying. I think I feel a few swooshes here and there, but nothing too prominent yet.

Food cravings: Just food in general. I eat every meal and snack that Jack has. It’s nice to have smaller meals and more snacks this time around. I have also stocked up on lots of cereal and have been absolutely loving bagels with cream cheese.

Making me queasy: Nothing. My queasiness stopped around 12 weeks I think. I get bouts of it here and there but nothing too bad.

Starting to show: Yep. I feel like my tummy showed up earlier this time but looking back and my last pregnancy photos, it’s not a lot different.

Gender: Will know in June! Can’t wait.

Happy or moody: Pretty happy for the most part. I cry so easily though. We watched Looper this weekend and it has that boy who is evil or whatever he is and it just made me so sad! I cried.

Things I’ve been experiencing this week: The heartburn has started. God help us all.
I tend to forget I’m pregnant sometimes. Not forget like I drink booze and drink large amounts of caffeine, but Jack demands so much of my time and attention that I don’t think (obsess) as much over this pregnancy as before. Which is nice. The time has been going faster and I’m not as worried. I don’t read every single thing online. Which no one should. Ever. While they are pregnant.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting more of a tummy 🙂 And for sure finding out if Baby is a girl or boy.

What I’m nervous about: Right now – my baby’s nap times not matching up when I have two. Mama needs a break sometimes.

Size of baby: Apple I believe. Four inches long.

Link to 15 weeks pregnant with Jack


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The only thing better than three is four

Since we are now “Facebook official,” I can finally post this…

We are going to be adding a baby to this family!

So soon? Yes.

Scared? No, I cannot reason being scared of this kind of inevitable.

Nervous? A bit. Two under two may frazzle me some days. Or every day.

But I am overjoyed. We are overjoyed.

After the initial, selfish, quick-lived panic attack of getting fat again before I lost all of the baby weight Jack gave me, that is.

Baby is due Oct. 21, 2013. Nine days after my sister’s wedding of which I am maid of honor. I cannot wait until October. I am 14 weeks right now.

But in the meantime, I am going to enjoy being pregnant when I am not insanely uncomfortable. It’s a God gift to not remember the yucky parts of previously being with child.

It’s true, your body is a lot less firm the second time around and that belly protrudes out a lot faster. Which I don’t mind.

For some reason I was given an ultrasound at my first OB appointment. I’ll never turn down one of those. It was so beautiful to see that dark spot with the little white peanut shape up on that screen. Up until then, nothing really felt real. But then I saw Baby and this was really happening.

At my 12 week appointment the doctor couldn’t find the heartbeat with the Doppler deal so I was given a second ultrasound. Jack was with me and sat on the table, watching the nurse squirt jelly on my belly. I really liked sharing that with him. I could see Baby moving around in his/her little spasm ways. I didn’t get to hear the heartbeat, but it was measured at 150 beats per minute. Perfect.

We will be having this baby in Williston, which made me nervous right away but after visiting the clinic I feel good about our decision. The hospital is seven minutes from our house here and it has a nicey, small town feel to the staff.

The tired phase of pregnancy has come, and it came hard and challenged me while I ran around the house after Jack. I have been enormously blessed with my energy back, for the most part, and no sickness or discomforts. Praise You, Lord.

I am a blessed woman, of that there is no doubt. Pregnancy is scary and unknown and forces me to walk closer with my Savior for reliance.  Any opportunity of that, I am ever thankful.

Our sweet Baby,
I am already so happy to have you in my life, as little as you are now. No matter where we happen to be when you arrive, you are going to enter a home that is lively and warm and smells of coffee in the morning. And there are going to be people here who are going to love on you so much and so hard that you might feel smothered at times, but know it is just because we are so glad you are part of our family.
As the second child, there are benefits. All the tricks and kinks we had to figure out with your brother, will be second nature with you. I am used to being sleep deprived and will enjoy a little more the multiple nightly wake-ups you’re ready to spring on me. We already have all the toys.
When I think of you now, I think of you, Jack and I in the playroom. Jack is playing and I’m helping him with puzzles and you are laying in a heap of blankets sleeping away on the floor with us. Jack goes to kiss you every once in a while and the three of us snuggle and I teach your brother what a nose is and where your ears are.
Thinking of you here with us gives me a feeling of wholeness. As a mother, as a family. For Jack and for you. I cannot begin to tell you how warm and cozy and comforting that makes my heart. Maybe you will be the final piece. Maybe there will need to be more.
We love you already, Baby. Daddy likes my tummy, Jack kicks at you during diaper changes. I am always conscious of you.

Party boy

I enjoyed, so much, planning Jack’s party and finding him just the right presents. I am so happy I get to make special days like this for my children. My mom and dad made sure our birthdays and holidays were a big deal. It was an excitement that was pure and happy just because they could be.

We celebrated early on April 7 at my mom’s with our family and a few friends. The little house was packed with some of my favorite people on earth.

We celebrated again on his actual birthday with balloons, a lot more presents and just mama, papa and baby (or toddler now I suppose.) He was not into smashing his first cake so I made him a doughnut pyramid instead. Turns out it was getting late at night and I opted for an easy bedtime instead of sugar-spike time, so his doughnuts sat on the counter untouched.

These first photos are his birthday at the farm:








Then we celebrated at home:




Helping put his new wheel barrow/walker together.


Then we ended the afternoon spilling and then eating Cocoa Pebbles.

Happy birthday, baby

Well, my baby is a whole year old.

We came down the stairs at 5:30 a.m. and he immediately saw the three huge helium balloons I tied to the coffee table. Then he noticed the four others in the dining room table. He didn’t know what to do. Boy, did that put some excitement in his sleepy pants!


One year brings challenges that one month couldn’t even fathom, but he is his own little person now and, let me tell you, it’s a wonderful little person he has grown to be.

I swear that in the past few days he has stopped being a baby and transformed before my eyes into this little toddler who shares his sippy with me and slurps noodles.

I could go on and on about how he has changed in a year and how I feel I added a whole new part to myself and Scott has formed this deep soft spot and our family… became a family. But I’ll just finish this big, chaotic year off with a letter to by baby.




My Jack,

In the past two weeks you have changed from a baby to a little boy. I swear. You walk all the time, share your cereal and drinks with me. You just look older.
Your favorite parts of the day are when daddy comes home and when you remember our dog is outside and you see him out the window.
You took your first steps on Easter weekend and I cheered and cheered for you. Now, you are letting go of every surface and taking steps everywhere. It is the coolest thing to watch. One year ago you were this curly little lump that could barely open his eyes.
I had a little panic attack this week thinking about weaning you from formula and your bottle. We rely on that bugger quite a bit. But today you’ve just drank water/juice or whole milk straight from the fridge in a sippy or straw cup. I was worried because you weren’t eating much, but today you have made it clear when you are hungry. A few minutes ago you snarfed down a whole banana. By yourself. I was laughing the whole time.
Oh, sweet baby, I can’t even imagine what this next year will bring for us. I am so excited to be outside with you once it warms up a bit. When I went to feed the dog, I found you crawling out the patio door and scooting on the deck. We’ll go play out there tomorrow.
Like I’ve said a million times, you frustrate me in a lot of ways. But your stinkin’ little smirk washes all that right away and the joyousness that is you is so heavy that I am conscious of it throughout the day.
I love you so much and am loving watching you grow and learn and become yourself. You bless me so incredibly much.


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e tells tales

a lady's stories of a life as a wife and mama about her handsome husband and beautiful baby

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