e tells tales

a lady's stories of a life as a wife and mama about her handsome husband and beautiful baby

Month: July, 2013

Pregnancy #2: 27 weeks


Excuse the slightly terrible picture. But we have a little less than three months to go! Things are pickin’ up ’round here.

How far along: 27 weeks today

Total weight gain: I believe around 17 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Yes. If it’s a day at home, I’m in sweats and a loose shirt. Restriction is not my friend.

Sleep: Pretty decent for the most part. I can’t complain. The strange dreams have started again. And boy, are they bizarre.

Best moment this week: We all went to the state fair 🙂 It was exhausting but so, so fun.

What I miss: Sitting down without losing my breath.

Movement: Lots 🙂

Food cravings: Sweets in the evening. (i.e a spoon full of rainbow chip frosting)

Making me queasy: Nothing

Starting to show: Yeah, mama

Gender: Boy!

Happy or moody: Pretty darn contented.

Things I’ve been experiencing this lately: Shortness of breath, crazy dreams, pressure from the belly weight, beginning doctor appointments every two weeks.

What I’m looking forward to: We have another ultrasound at my 28 week appointment 🙂 Pretty pumped for that. (Also the glucose test… not looking forward to that.)

What I’m nervous about: I’ve been thinking about what it’ll really be like with two kids and I just really hope that I can love them equally. I don’t know if I love any two people in my life right now equally and the thought of that concept freaks me out. I know they will be two different people who have different strengths and weaknesses, but I want to do right by them. And I want to do right by my husband. There is a reason I’ve never juggled three men at the same time before 😉 It will come, I know. A million and five parents have done this before, but really, that’s of little comfort. No mama has ever had my two boys before or my husband before. We are beginning a new season (they seem to change so quickly in this stage of our lives.) I pray for strength to know what to do and understanding to cast all of my cares in Him.

Pregnancy #2: 24 weeks


This means we are six months in! Only about three and a half left to go. Pregnancy has really kicked into full-on mode the past month or so.

How far along: 24 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain: We don’t even have a scale in the house here. I have an appointment on the 9th where I’ll find out the dooming number.

Maternity clothes: I have been trying to live in sun dresses. It’s hot and they are light and comfy. Only problem — no support. Either this baby is sitting low or just situated differently, I am so, so, so sore under the weight of this belly.

Sleep: Good, besides this head cold/pregnancy respiratory restriction.

Best moment this week: Umm, Jack and I went to Missouri this past week to my aunt and uncle’s Bible camp. We saw a lot of family and met a dear friend’s husband and baby boy. The pride that comes with motherhood is a heavy thing. I love going places with my boy.

What I miss: Starting to miss my mobility. Standing for any length of time puts pressure under my belly and just makes me ache. Throw holding a large toddler in the mix and this mama has to immediately sit.

Movement: A lot, starting around week 20! It is really fun, besides his new trick of kicking my internal organs.

Food cravings: Sweets, I suppose.

Making me queasy: Nothing, thankfully.

Starting to show: Yessir. It’s round and loud and in charge. And becoming increasingly firm.

Gender: Another sweet little boy! I’m loving the daydreams of being a mom to two little men.

Happy or moody: Slightly moody. I have been a crab butt from time to time. Ask my sister.

Things I’ve been experiencing this lately: Aching. Extreme soreness. Hurting feet. Boobs getting into baby mode. (Weird.) Stuffiness. Distinct movements from my tiny little guy. Entering nesting mode. Appreciation for Jack and all he has humbled me by. Blessedness in being a mom.

What I’m looking forward to: We are entering the final stretch of this pregnancy and I’m really looking forward to having a tiny thing in the house again. And watching Jack with his brother. And, really, having a little nest of sweet smelling children in the house this winter. I can’t think of a better time to have a child.

What I’m nervous about: Carting around two children. I’m pretty sure I’ll be deathly afraid of that for a while.

Size of baby: Canteloupe

Link to pregnancy with Jack at 24 weeks

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e tells tales

a lady's stories of a life as a wife and mama about her handsome husband and beautiful baby

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